What? When? How?! Where!?

Oh crap!! Cows are missing!!! haaaaalp!!

Hats off India TV!!! What would we do without you!!?!?

I really REALLY like this animation!!

OH why not?!?! Coz bloody aliens will travel billions of lightyears so that they can drink delicious cow's milk on their long journey back!

Ha! why didn't I think of that before!? They must really worship our cows!! THAT's why they abduct them!!

Yes yes!! Our cows are being beamed by alien ships! The world is coming to an end!!! haaaaaalp!!

I told you aliens exist!!!! I was beamed too, when I was a child and I didn't believe in aliens!!!! HA! in your face!!! see the proof!!

I dare you to spot the cow inside the encircled area!!
(psssst....it's flying!)

Go away alien freaks!!! Don't take our cows!!
Great reporting by a great channel. Keep it up, India TV... you couldn't sink any lower anyway!
hehe... Yes, India Is Great...
But IndiaTV is greater... The best source of NonSense news there is...
Now I know why Indians don't have great Comedians... Coz all of them are NewsCasters
lol india TV :P
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