Are you tired of sitting and working in a cubicle?

Do you find that the management guys have nothing better to do except use complex jargon and create silly acronyms?

Are you stuck in an organization whose every decision seems stupid and sometimes downright absurd?

Do you cringe at thought of understanding the dialect of managers?

And well, your boss is a loon?

Well, you are not alone.
Dilbert is exactly like you. You can find him on
A masterpiece of cartoonist Scott Adams, Dilbert provides you with insight that is necessary for a nerd/geek to survive and grow in the highly competitive world of software.
Why am I praising it? Because I love the cartoon strip and want to share it with you.
Of course, if you are bored with software projects and now want to move on to management, help is on the way. Read "The Dilbert Principle" by by management guru Scott Adams. Its the only management book you'll ever need. There's even an Indian flavour in one of Dilbert's co-workers called Asok.
So, enjoy the humour in our miserable cubicle-ized lives!
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