So I cleared the written for Infosys. Holy cow! The HR interview was next. Now, I have a thing with interviews and vivas. Reminiscent of Hari of FPS. Anyways, there I was, waiting outside the Grilling Chamber for my turn to be deep-fried. The interviews in our college are conducted in computer labs. The labs have glass doors, so the interviewer has plenty of time to observe us while we wait for an eternity of waiting to end.
For whole 5 minutes I was made to sit right outside the room like a gatekeeper. (Thinking of metaphors is the last thing on a person's mind when he's waiting for an interview). Finally, the call came. Frankly, everyone was expecting me to breeze through the interview. My mind told me a different story. It didn't feel it could handle the pressure and was threatening to leave me when I needed it the most. Gathering my shredded-to-pieces guts, I made my way across the room.
"Good evening, sir!"
"Good evening. Please sit down"
Good start!
"Please fill in the form" and a form was handed over to me. I had to fill in my roll number, name, signature and time of entry. I could only appreciate the beauty of it. A clock was kept right there on the table. The form was merely a test of observational skills. I had asked my friend the time before I had entered the lab. Using my own calculations I arrived at a time 15 minutes into the past. The interviewer thought I was half-crazy. By the end of the interview, he knew I was completely off the hook.
The interview started off with the typical "Tell me about yourself?". So I began, "Sir, my name is Anurag. I hail from Chandigarh..ummm". I forgot! A self-introduction is a person's gateway to a good company. And I forgot! Seriously, one of the best speakers in my class was tongue-tied in front of a mere mortal!
"Sir! May I start again?", I asked innocently.
"Look, I know your name is Anurag and you are from Chandigarh. Continue"
The nightmare had officially begun.
"Tell me about your parents" A simple question. I answered all questions pertaining to my father. My mother is a teacher. That was the albatross around my neck. She teaches Chemistry in Tenth. So, it should be my favourite subject, Mr. HR said. Not by a long shot, I replied. Frankly, I hate chemistry. All apologies to chemistry teachers worldwide, especially my mum. Anyways, our conversation refused to drift and remained stuck to one subject: Chemistry.
"What do you dislike about Chemistry?"
"Basically Organic, sir. I just couldn't cram all those conversions."
"So, what does organic mean?"
My brain became hyperactive at that point in time. I won't give up without a fight.
"Organic...ogans...organisms. Organic is related to life. The first organic compound was Marsh gas...methane that was formed by decomposition of living tissues."
Holy cow! Did I just say that? Yes, I did.
"You mentioned methane. What is its formula?"
"CH4!!" I don't know why I even bothered to answer. Chemistry is not HR. I was screwed bigtime.
"So what is NH4?"
"Sir, NH4 itself is just an ion. NH3 is ammonia. NH4OH is ammonium hydroxide, NH4Cl is ammonium chloride."
So how did I remember these things from the hated subject?
"Sir, I don't know. Its probably becuase I have a sharp memory. I just remember things."
You NEVER ever say such things in an HRI. But I did. I had decided I might as well have some fun. Chances of selection were slim.
Yadi yadi yada...and the famed question arrived
"Anurag, what can you do with this stapler?"
There, staring at me was the stapler in an attractive shade of red. I decided to take a few deep breaths. Probably the stapler will disappear, even better the interviewer will disappear. Bad Luck, No Miracles!
Then, in a brilliant flash of brilliance, it hit me.
"Sir, notice the spring action of the stapler. I could design a circuit so that a bulb will light up whenever the stapler is closed. It will act like a buzzer. One wire from upper end to the bulb, another from bottom end to other terminal."
"What else?"
The stroke of genius was diminished with just two words: What Else. Here, I had a Nobel Prize winning invention and the interviewer wanted to hear more.
"Sir, I could build a burglar alarm based on concept of circuits."
"What else?"
Man, these HR people are cruel!
"I need time to think."
"You need more time??" Finally, he was surprised. Definitely, not a good thing.
Now, It was time for me to shut up and listen.
"Can you use to remove staples?"
I nodded in agreement. The obvious can be painful.
"Can you use it as a paperweight?"
Holy cow! Why didn't I of think of that. Must have a screw loose somewhere.
"Can you use it as a weapon, for throwing at someone like myself?"
"Definitely, Sir" I chuckled.
Some more talk and he started exchanging pleasantries. I better start preparing for the next company. We shook hands and I was out.
Finally, when I heard my name in the final list, I knew the stapler clinched it for me.
Wherever that stapler is, I wish it succeeds in everything it does. God bless the stapler.
And everyone else on this planet.
Yours truly
Infoscion Anurag.
Microsoft Loses Status as OpenAI's Exclusive Cloud Provider
49 minutes ago
Lovely Story man... just amazing!!! infy sure knows its infoscions well dude.... and the stapler is a real clincher huh!!!
Just Fantastic...
Yours never-Truly
Infoscion Nitin
mr. Anurag...really intrusting one... i m gonna share this to many(but not all)..
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